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ADHD Symptoms


It is undeniable that one of the mental illnesses that has garnered a lot of attention the past few years is ADHD. This is because there are now more kids being diagnosed with this condition. Aside from kids there are adults too that are found to be having this condition.


If you are a mom or a dad and you are worried if your child may have ADHD, how do you tell if he or she really has it? Then what you can do is to read up on the symptoms of ADHD that will be discussed here.


Basically there are three big symptoms of ADHD and the other behaviours are just categorized under these three. We will be looking at specifics of each one. Inattention is the first major add symtoms. A person who has ADHD will have an impaired ability to put his or her focused attention on something. Kids with ADHD may have difficulty in finishing their homework or even school tasks that are assigned to them to do. Because of their condition they may even suffer from forgetfulness of important details. It could also be that the kid who has this is disorganized. Disorganization is not just seen in kids but in adults as well who has this condition. Persons with ADHD also typically go to one activity to the next without finishing one activity first. They will also typically find it difficult to stay focused on one task. With the kids this may present problems in finishing even simple school tasks. With adults, this may interfere in their doing of their everyday responsibilities.


The second major symptom when it comes to ADHD is hyperactivity. When we speak of hyperactivity we do not refer to the normal desire for movement found in kids. This hyperactivity makes the kid not able to sit still. It is like the kid always feels like he or she has to be on the go. When you ask this kid to sit still, you may find him or her fidgeting or squirming in his or her seat. That is why they have a hard time in school as they are asked to sit there for long periods of time. They also like to running or climbing in places. Watch this video at and know more about ADHD symtoms.


The third major symptom of ADHD is impulsivity. This might mean being careless in doing things. This translates to kids turning in not thought-out work. This may also mean having poor communication skills. For one their impulsivity may lead them to interrupt other people during conversations. They may also just start saying things out of nowhere. They may also have a hard time waiting for their turn. They could also be talking during times when they are not supposed to talk.


A child needs to show some of the adhd symptoms listed to be seen as having ADHD. Of course you need an expert to make a proper diagnosis of your child.

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